STRATEGY FORMULATION PROCESS. For four days (24-28 July), using clear analysis, intellectual frameworks and interview approach, Fourteena of Arc Australia worked with Agus Teh, Managing Director of PT Wira Arta Telematika along with Imelda Teh, its Finance Director, guiding them through the strategy formulation process, in order to develop a comprehensive and concise business growth strategy blueprint for PT Wira Arta Telematika, an ICT company founded in 2001 — specialises in networking and security — based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
MISSION INTO ACTION. Creating a strategic plan is one thing, making it happen is another. Fourteena also helped Agus and Imelda communicate the newly created strategy to all their team members in their first “all-hands” meeting held on Thursday, 2 August 2018.
BEING PART OF WIRA ARTA -- group presentations. In addition, Fourteena encouraged Wira Arta team to present in their own words, what it means to be part of Wira Arta. How they should contribute to the success of Wira Arta, here and now.
EVER FORWARD & ALL WAS FUN! It’s been a real joy working with Agus and Imelda and their team members at PT Wira Arta Telemetika. They are now ready to embark on a journey towards the bright future of Wira Arta Telematika, here and now. Ever forward...
Many thanks from Arc Australia Consulting!
Jakarta, 24 July - 2 Aug 2018

TIME FLIES when Agus, Imelda and I were together in their meeting room. We were so absorbed in long-hours but most satisfying discussions. Our four-day discussion (24-28 July 2018) produced this blueprint -- a strategy map for the business growth of PT Wira Arta Telematika.
With delight these gifts were presented to Agus and Imelda -- The strategy blueprint is now all yours!
It is a growing ICT company, specialises in networking and security. Founded in 2001, Wira Arta has its proven existence, known for its technical excellence, local resources and cost-effective solutions.
Supported by its technology partners such as Cisco, Juniper, Fortinet, and other market leaders in networking and security devices, since 2001, Wira Arta has delivered custom, smart, and proven solutions for businesses that span multiple markets and industries.