Sometime ago, I came across a story retold by the late Archbishop of New York, Fulton J. Sheen, it goes: One day some horsemen were crossing a dessert; they stopped at an oasis for a drink. Suddenly out of nowhere there was a voice: “Fill your pocket with pebbles. Tomorrow you will be sad and glad.” They obeyed the voice. The next day, they found in their pocket the pebbles have turned into diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and the precious kinds. They were glad. But they were also sad. Why?
They didn’t take more! That’s what happened with education, skills, and knowledge. We place a low priority on attaining it. Even if we have it, we don’t take much effort in putting it into good use to let it grow and mature. We are not used to with a slow process to let it turn into remarkable competence and experience. How ignorant are we of its great value!
Nowadays, that’s the attitude of most of young and very talented individuals. To them success is defined as attaining big job, fame, and deep pocket instantly. Do you want to make use of their talents? Allure them with such things – you’ll get them easily. Their inexperienced minds are unable to see beyond worldliness and material values. How shallow is the river of their views! To them the quicker they acquire success in the measure of material values the brighter they perceive their future is. Unfortunately, that’s is not so.
What makes one’s career exciting and what one does meaningful is not doing the work that uses only technical skill or the know-how, but also its complementary know-why – an experience-based skill that is acquired overtime through patient learning in pursuit of excellence. However, unless someone who has sailed over seven seas shows them the way, these young and talented individuals will be forever misguided and never reached their true potential.
For this purpose, on Wednesday, 22 May 2019, I was invited to attend an evening gathering and asked to give an inspirational talk by PT. Adicipta Carsani Ekakarya (ACE) www.ace.co.id, the centre excellence of PT Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi www.ad-ins.com – a 19-year old ICT company specialising in creating and developing web-based system for multi-finance business.
In that wonderful evening – attended by 30 millennials: software coders, developers, programmers, a software trainer; HR and operations team, and two senior management leaders of PT ACE –I took them on a journey: An intellectual journey that helped them look at the world and success not in material sense, but in values that are beyond measure. How?
My 20-year experience in the global ICT business arena concludes that when embarking on a new job, their focus should not on the monetary offer (only) but how their contribution at work be valued; and if they will be given opportunities to learn new things, while putting their raw skills and talents into good use till they become perfect.
And when the number of digits in their salary offer is more appealing than the importance of turning their skills into great competence, they should step back and ask their inner-self: where does my true value lie? And remember that they should fill their pocket with “pebbles” that someday will turn into uncorrupted treasure of knowledge – for this is key to thrive and rising to higher level in this competitive environment.
That evening was only a brief talk but my sincere thanks to ACE’s senior leadership team: Djimmy and Daniel, for inviting me to their gathering and introducing me to (some of) their millennial team.
My hope is that from now on they will look at success from a different point of view, and start to live a life at their work in a completely new way.
All the best. May our intellectual journey go on.
Till our next voyage!
Stay connected.
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